Thursday, October 29, 2009

Food Drive a great success!

Last week’s food drive at Whole Foods to support the Neighbors In Need Montgomery Fund resulted in a donation of $18,317 to the Fund, which is being matched, dollar-for-dollar by an anonymous donor. Additionally, shoppers donated over 2,600 pounds of food to the Manna Food Center and Shepherd’s Table that day. And furthermore, thanks to everyone’s enthusiasm, many shoppers went home and made online donations to support the cause, totaling almost $800.

Mazal tov to the Ohr Kodesh volunteers who participated in the activity.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

300 Families Already Participating - Are You Next?

We're pleased to report that almost 300 families handed in the Pledge 25 cards at High Holiday Services, and that more have indicated that they will be joining the effort to honor Rabbi Fishman this year.

If you plan on participating in any events or activities, please let us know at

Here is information about upcoming events:

"Mini Courses"
The Sh'ma
Every Tuesday evening in October with Rabbi Fishman after the evening minyan.

Why Practice Judaism?
Thought from the Biblical, Rabbinic, Medieval and Modern Ages. In this course, we will address some of the central questions that each of us faces as a Jew in the modern world: What are our motivations
for participating in Jewish observance and Jewish life? What beliefs underlie our actions? How have these ideas evolved over time? We will explore texts from the ancient period through today, including founding thinkers from several modern denominations, and use them as a basis for discussing our own viewpoints.
Leader: Michael Kay
Sessions: Two one-hour sessions Thursdays, immediately after
Dates: October 15 & 22

You Can Write and Deliver a D’var Torah
Dates: Tuesdays, October 20 and 27
Two one-hour sessions immediately after 8 pm minyan
Leader: Gary Simms
Writing a d’var torah is really not difficult once you learn some of the basic research tools. In addition to some suggestions about sources and methods, the class will be doing some text study which will be lots of fun. Participants will be encouraged (but not required!) to share their work with other members of the congregation through blog postings or in person. Teenagers are welcome.

“Social Action Opportunities”
Wednesday, October 21: Shop for food, give to your Montgomery County neighbors in need. On Wednesday, October 21 between 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Whole Foods (Silver Spring, Bethesda, Rockville and Kentlands) will donate 5% of all purchases to the Neighbors in Need Montgomery Fund, which helps nonprofits deliver critical emergency services. Your 5% donation will be matched $1 for $1. We are also encouraging all shoppers to purchase recommended food items to be donated to Manna and Shepherd’s Table to feed hungry families. Volunteers will be on-site to help you with purchases! If you would like to volunteer to help at one of the stores, please contact Gary Simms at immediately.

Sunday, October 25 - Community Service Day The Montgomery County Volunteer Center has invited the community to participate in this very important event. How can you help? Join other Ohr Kodesh members who will be participating. This year, the Community Service Day is part of President Obama’s “United We Serve” national campaign. To participate with Ohr Kodesh, contact Gary Simms, at

JSSA (Jewish Social Service Agency) seeks Volunteers for its Thrift Shop, Bombé Chest, in Northwest DC.
Bombé Chest is a totally volunteer-run shop located across from the Woodley Park Metro station at 2629 Connecticut Avenue, NW. The shop sells donated items including: paintings, crystal, glassware, china, silver, mirrors and other collectibles. People with an interest in antiques, as well as those who would like to learn, are welcome and encouraged to volunteer. The shop is looking for extra help, preferably but not limited to Fridays. New volunteers are asked to make a weekly time commitment. The proceeds from Bombé Chest go directly to subsidize JSSA’s services for individuals and families in greatest need. For further information or to volunteer, call Diane Hays-Earp, 301-816-2639.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pledge 25 Off to a Fast Start

Below are remarks about Pledge 25 that were delivered at this year's Rosh Hashanah services by Brian Israel.

Rosh Hashanah 5770 Brian D. Israel In the ancient text Pirkei Avot, Ethics of our Fathers, the High Priests of the Second Temple period share with us short sayings that express important views about Jewish living and life in general. These proverbs provide a rich collection of delicious philosophical nuggets which can guide us through so many aspects of our lives. Today I wish to focus on a famous saying from the first chapter of Perkei Avot. In this section, we learn from Shimon the Righteous that the world rests on three things: on Torah, Service to God and Acts of Loving-kindness. It is commonly understood that Torah refers to study, service to God refers to prayer, and acts of loving-kindness refers to the perfection of creation through generosity and loving acts extended to others. Thus we have, from Rabbi Shimon, a three legged stool. Sitting atop this stool will not solve the mysteries of the universe, but it provides a stable perch from which we can approach God and peer further over the horizon of daily life. And this three-legged stool also forms the foundation of our community. Our Ohr Kodesh mission statement explicitly references, as the objective of our institution, to pray, to study and perform acts of kindness together as a Jewish community. In so many ways Ohr Kodesh achieves its mission. We are a community of warmth and caring, service to others, where all are welcome, and where love of Torah is embraced, encouraged and enabled. We are a place where the ladder of Jewish learning and prayer extends infinitely. There is no limit to how high you can climb. And yet, it does not matter where you are on that ladder. Ohr Kodesh is not a place of judgment. Where-ever you may be on that ladder, you belong here. Whether you have been a member for 6 days or 6 decades, the goal of this synagogue is to provide a place where each of us can develop and grow our own expression of Judaism, our own unique blend of learning, of prayer and acts of loving-kindness.