Thursday, October 29, 2009

Food Drive a great success!

Last week’s food drive at Whole Foods to support the Neighbors In Need Montgomery Fund resulted in a donation of $18,317 to the Fund, which is being matched, dollar-for-dollar by an anonymous donor. Additionally, shoppers donated over 2,600 pounds of food to the Manna Food Center and Shepherd’s Table that day. And furthermore, thanks to everyone’s enthusiasm, many shoppers went home and made online donations to support the cause, totaling almost $800.

Mazal tov to the Ohr Kodesh volunteers who participated in the activity.


  1. A big thank you to all the people responsible for creating the wonderful program, Pledge 25, in honor of Our wonderful Rabbi Lyle Fishman.
    I have enjoyed all the following courses that I have attended:
    1. Sinday night lecture by Donniel Hartman; 2. Last lecture on the Sh'ma given by Rabbi Fishman(I was not able to attend the previous lectures given in this course)
    I look foward to taking many more courses in the Pledge 25 program at Ohr kodesh. Thanks again and Mazel Tov, Rabbi Lyle on your 25 years as Rabbi at Ohr Kodesh!
    Love,blessings, and shalom, Helene Reisler :)

  2. A big thank you to all the people who created the Pledge 25 program at Ohr Kodesh in honor of Rabbi Lyle Fishman's 25 years as Rabbi at Ohr Kodesh. I have greatly enjoyed attending the following courses that I have taken:1.lecture by Donniel Hartman; 2.Learning about the Sh'ma from Rabbi Fishman.
    I look foward to taking many other courses that are offered in this wonderful program. Mazel Tov to Rabbi Fishman and Ohr Kodesh in honor of this wonderful .Simcha.
    love, blrssings, and shalom, Helene Reisler :)
