Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blood Platelet Donation - An Act of True Chesed

Our member, Marvin Szymkowicz, has decided to participate in platelet donation as an act of chesed for Pledge 25. He has allowed me to share this in the hope that others may also participate.

Blood platelet transfusions are used to treat people with certain serious illnesses (e.g., patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation or patients with leukemia or aplastic anemia). Unlike whole blood, which has a "shelf life" of six weeks, platelets must be used within five days of donation. In other words, the supply has to be constantly and rapidly replenished. Because of advances in treatment, the demand for platelets is growing.

Although some platelets are extracted from whole blood donations, it is vastly more efficient to collect platelets from platelet donors. One can safely donate platelets every two weeks. The process takes about 2 to 2-1/2 hours: 90 minutes for the actual donation, plus time to review the written materials presented to any blood donor and time for a staffer to give the donor a mini-physical and interview the donor. The Red Cross has special centers for donating platelets. The nearest one to OKC is in the White Flint area.

The Red Cross also has a dedicated number for platelet donation: 1-800-272-2123. Call that number for more information or to volunteer or visit

This is -- in my humble opinion -- a good Pledge 25 project because of the time commitment (not trivial but certainly doable over one year) and the immediate benefits for the recipients.

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