Friday, December 11, 2009

Lotsa Helping Hands: Chesed in Action

Ohr Kodesh Chesed Committee's Lotsa Helping Hands website!

The Pledge 25 Committee is very happy to provide information on a new initiative of the Chesed Committee: Lotsa Helping Hands, which coordinates greetings and assistance for members welcoming a new child, going through an illness, or otherwise needing support. Primarily, this site coordinates dinners and services to help members get on the road to their new fuller life. What a terrific way to honor Rabbi Fishman this year!

Volunteering is simple: Sign up for a short-term commitment, with minimal effort, matching your availability with a congregant’s need. Meals can be home cooked, store bought, or taken-out from a restaurant respecting the kashrut requirements in the request. Coordinators are listed at the site. Do contact them with any questions.

Register at
You will receive an email confirmation with details about accessing the site, and you will be on your way.

1 comment:

  1. Tip of the Kippah to Marvin. Platelets, What a great idea! I've made an appointment for 12:30pm tomorrow.
    Ron Kabran
