Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rabbi Fishman's Class for December: Yehuda Amichai

Topical Tuesdays with Rabbi Fishman got off to a great start on December 1. This month's classes will be held on December 8, 15, & 22 at 8:30 PM. The subject: Poetry of Yehuda Amichai. Considered by many as Israel’s greatest modern poet, this class will read (in English translation) and discuss many of Amichai’s illuminations of Israeli & Jewish life.

Please join in!


  1. I love Rabbi Fishman's class on Yehuda Amichai! I particularly love the line in the first poem that we read in which the poet says that his ancestors donated him. To me this means that his ancestors donated all their talents to him. It made me happy to apply this to my own life as I am a music teacher and I have a wonderful music backround from one of my ancestors, the great Viennese Cantor, Solomon Sulzer, who wrote the melody for the sh'ma that we sing in schul, and from now on I will think that he donated his talents to me, thank God.
    Thank you Rabbi Fishman :)
    P.S. I also liked Rabbi Fishman's course on the sh'ma and I will always think of the blue on the tallit as being a symbol for the sea and the sky that God made in creation. Rabbi Fishman shared this thought with us in on of the classes .This is a significant and lovely thought for me.
    Helene Reisler :)

  2. First class was really great--while I knew Amichai "name" I really had no exposure to his poetry: he writes in some cases very directly and you can get his"point"--in other cases, his meanings are more obscure and you need help: Lyle Fishman is a marvelous teacher (no surprise!) Looking forward to more classes. Norman Schultz

    Norman Schultz

  3. The class was most enjoyable for a variety reasons: interesting and challenging poems, good class participation, and thougtful insigts offered by Rabbi Fishman.The Rabbi led the discussion skillfully,adding to participants' comments by quoting from a variety of sources he had prepared and brought along. Looking forward to more such offerings, Dora

  4. it's great to be studying Yehudai Amichai once agaiin. There is so much meaning and thought in every line of the poems and Rabbi Fishman brings out the best of the poet.
    Molly Abramowitz

  5. Rabbi Fishman's class was great--but I wish I would have had the material first so that I could have reviewed it prior to the class. It may have helped me participate more.

    He is such a great teacher--I always learn something new.
